Some Dental clinics are different

Dental Treatment Room Lighting Project:

Project summary: Upgrade LED Light panels in the treatment rooms to Full spectrum daylight LED from DENTLED

Client: Dental clinic in Schiedam

DentLed Dental lighting installation partner: Henry Schein


Our partner Henry Schein requested us to upgrade the first generation LED Light panels in the treatment rooms to Full spectrum daylight LED from DENTLED at a dental clinic in Schiedam. You can see this view. Not the typical clinic situated in your neighbourhood.

The first generation LED Lights and some classic light solutions had to be replaced in seven treatment rooms to optimise the light to the current standards.

Our partner Henry Schein requested us to upgrade the first generation LED Light panels in the treatment rooms to Full spectrum daylight LED from DENTLED at a dental clinic in Schiedam. You can see this view. Not the typical clinic situated in your neighbourhood. The first generation LED Lights and some classic light solutions had to be replaced in seven treatment rooms to optimise the light to the current standards.

The right luminance

The ratio of 10:1:0.5 can be used for optimal lighting at a dental workplace. This is the ratio between oral cavity illumination by a surgical lamp (20,000 lux for most dentist’s lamps, newer surgical LED lights often reach even higher values up to 55,000 lux), the direct vicinity of the mouth (2,000 lux) and the illuminance in the rest of the treatment room (800-1,000 lux).

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Each treatment room was fitted with four or six Dentled DL60 Full spectrum daylight led panels depending on the size of the room to reach 2000 Lux at the headrest.

Why upgrade?

Often we are requested why upgrading lighting is good. Surgical LED lights reach higher values up to 55,000 lux or more which effects the surrounding workplace. You see more but you also need to optimize light in the treatment room.

Common complaints as a result of incorrect work field lighting: burning eyes, fatigue, concentration problems and unable to determine color well.

DL Dentled Treatmentroom light DENTIST


DL60 is a full spectrum daylight LED panel designed for dental care with high quality LED’s developed for DENTED. The benefits of choosing a DENTLED treamentroom light solution are:

  • 5100-5700K / UGR <19
  • Executed in daylight colour with an RA value of 97+ which is ideal for colour determination
  • Dentled full spectrum daylight panels are fitted with the highest quality LEDs “80,000 light hours guaranteed and 5 year warranty”
  • no negative influence on curing of composite and or glue thanks to the full spectrum daylight at 2000 lux
  • Dentled is supplied with flicker-free drivers, which reduce the strain on your eyes. Standard LED lighting is driven with 50hz. This is perceivable (flickers) when pointing a mobile phone in camera function at the panel. Our eyes perceive these flickers (unconsciously).
  • complies with all requirements for workplace lighting standard EN 12464-1 (CIBSE Code for lighting) “precision work with fine details”

Our partner Henry Schein requested us to upgrade the first generation LED Light panels in the treatment rooms to Full spectrum daylight LED from DENTLED at a dental clinic in Schiedam. You can see this view. Not the typical clinic situated in your neighbourhood. The first generation LED Lights and some classic light solutions had […]