Experience Dentled Lighting in the Arseus showroom.

Dentled Lighting has been installed in the showroom of Arseus, a long-time partner of Dentallighthouse and Dentled, and part of Henry Schein Dental Netherlands. The installation includes two of the new PHU Uform lights and the PHL22 in black. Additionally, the PVR150, a full-spectrum, bi-directional ring light with a diameter of 150 cm (also available in 120 cm), has been installed.

Full spectrum daylight LED lighting for dental treatmentroom
Dentled PVR150 LED full spectrum light for dental care treatment rooms

PVR150 150cm Ring dental lighting

This ring light provides uniform illumination throughout the dental treatment room, ensuring clear visibility for precision work. Incorrect lighting in dental treatment rooms leads to eyestrain and fatigue. DentLed full spectrum lighting was developed specifically as optimal work light for dental treatment rooms.

Dental care PHU lighting for treatment rooms
Dentled Full spectrum lighting LED - PVR150 detail above dental chair

PHU U-Form dental lighting

The DentLed full spectrum PHU U-Form dental light, with its U shape, is the ideal design for dental treatment room lighting. Measuring 1.33 meters in width and 1.65 meters in length, its bidirectional lighting guarantees uniform illumination across the treatment room. This ensures clear and comfortable lighting, optimizing conditions for precision dental work.

Dentled PHL22 Lighting at Arseus showroom

About Arseus

The foundations of Arseus Dental are laid in 1932, in that year Antoine Lamoral establishes a wholesale trade in medical instruments for general practitioners and hospitals in Bruges, Belgium. Since its foundation, Lamoral has been very active in building and expanding its clientele. Lamoral is able to respond successfully to this by being constantly alert to the needs of its customers. This is evidenced by the sale of the first dental treatment unit in mid-1934.

Dentled dental care LED lighting for treatment room

Dentallighthouse Netherlands was responsible for this work. Explore more at Dentallighthouse.nl.

Dental treatment room lighting project:

Summary: Installed Dentled Lighting in the Arseus showroom.

Client: Arseus

DentLed lighting used: PHU Uform lights, PHL22 and PVR150 Full Spectrum LED Treatment Room Lights

Arseus Dental
Cartografenweg 18, 5141 MT Waalwijk, Netherlands

Dentled Lighting has been installed in the showroom of Arseus, part of Henry Schein Dental Netherlands. The installation includes two of the new PHU Uform lights and the PHL22 in black. Additionally, the PVR150, a full-spectrum, bi-directional ring light with a diameter of 150 cm (also available in 120 cm), has been installed.